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Priscilla Beck
Mickey Conway
Kathleen Cronin Conway
George Guarnieri
Linda Petras McMahon
Carol Marcovecchio Miller
Bob Sikora
Joe Vukovich
Bob Williams
Carol Curtis Wilson
Special Thank You
Jim Tucciarone
for all the wonderful photos of the Reunion weekend !!
ATTENDEES | Classmates | Guests | Total |
Mixer | 118 | 56 | 174 |
Golf | 21 | 21 | |
Dinner | 126 | 64 | 190 |
Mass | 45 | ||
Brunch | 63 | 32 | 95 |
Reunion Mixer Attendees
Connie Altier | Don Ferrante | Joan Mazei | Janice Smith |
Joseph Ambrose | Kathleen Fleming | Denny Mitchell | Bob Snyder |
Bill Angle | Tim Franklin | Michael Moran | Dolores Sonoga |
Cynthia Barbato | Mary Pat Fergus | Barbara Muempfer | Rosemary Stefan |
Ron Barber | Tony Galose | Marilyn Muennich | Bob Stefko |
Lois Battafarano | Bill Gambrel | Ron Mullins | Bob Stevens |
Priscilla Beck | Martin Garchar | Sandra Naples | Christine Stevens |
Ginnie Bernard | Gloria Gennaro | Dennis Nellis | Mary Celeste Sturgeon |
Rosemarie Bianco | Matt Giambattista | Elaine Nemcik | Phil Suarez |
Bob Bindas | Anne Grena | Kathy O’Neil | Ginnie Sullivan |
Tom Block | George Guarnieri | Denny Ockerman | John Surry |
Geri Brahney | Ron Hagan | John Oleksa | Jerry Sweed |
Terry Brett | Richard Hahn | Andrea Palovich | Rosemary Tabor |
Art Canada | Jim Handel | Margo Patrick | Carol Thomas |
Mike Cannatti | Bernadette Hayek | Phyllis Pochiro | Ed Thomas |
James Carsone | Richard Holzschuh | Marion Poidmore | Mickey Tomaskovich |
Karin Celli | John Hornak | Marilyn Poidmore | Jim Tucciarone |
Mary Edith Christopher | Carol Houlihan | Dominic Pregi | John Vogrin |
Edward Cisek | Sharon Hoza | Frank Prologo | Gregory Vranches |
Dennis Clouse | Elaine Hura | Mary Ann Rees | Joe Vukovich |
Mickey Conway | Marie Ianazone | Judy Rochford | Bob Williams |
Marilyn Cretella | Nick Julian | Stephanie Rosselli | Joe Yannerella |
Kathleen Cronin | Theresa Kirkner | Kathleen Ruble | Carol Zamary |
Carol Curtis | David Kulik | Kathleen Rudy | Rosemary Zarlenga |
Edward Czopur | Ginnie Kutsko | Jim Scarnecchia | Renee Zavodni |
Tom Dailey | Richard LaCivita | Rosemary Schaffer | Mr. Giambattista |
Bob Dota | John Lynch | Robert Schmalzried | Mr. Ulicney |
John D’Urso | Len Mady | Bob Sikora | Mr. Shook |
Bob Edwards | Carol Marcovecchio | Ellen Sinkovich | |
Barbara Essad | Joe Marinelli |
Janice Slanco |
Reunion Dinner Attendees
Connie Altier | Barbara Essad | Joe Marinelli | Robert Schmalzried |
Joseph Ambrose | Mary Pat Fergus | Joan Mazei | Barbara Sertick |
Bill Angle | Don Ferrante | Kathleen McEvoy | Bob Sikora |
Barbara Aurilio | Kathleen Fleming | Denny Mitchell | Janice Slanco |
Cynthia Barbato | Rosemary Gallagher | Mary Ann Mlynarski | Bob Snyder |
Ron Barber | Tony Galose | Michael Moran | Dolores Sonoga |
Robert Bartok | Gloria Gennaro | Barbara Muempfer | Joyce Spangel |
Lois Battafarano | Matt Giambattista | Ron Mullins | Nick Srnec |
Priscilla Beck | Joseph Giliberto | Terry Murphy | Bob Stevens |
Ginnie Bernard | Steven Gondel | Elaine Nemcik | Mary Celeste Sturgeon |
Rosemarie Bianco | Margie Greene | Kathleen O’Neil | Phil Suarez |
Tom Block | George Guarnieri | Denny Ockerman | Virginia Sullivan |
Geri Brahney | Ron Hagan | John Oleksa | Jerry Sweed |
Terry Brett | Jim Handel | Andrea Palovich | Rosemary Tabor |
Joe Calucchia | Bernadette Hayek | Margo Patrick | Marietta Thomas |
Mike Cannatti | John Hornak | Linda Petras | Carol Thomas |
Anthony Cardiero | Carol Houlihan | Paul Philibin | Edward Thomas |
Linda Carfora | Sharon Hoza | Phyllis Pochiro | Mickey Tomaskovich |
Nancy Chismar | Elaine Hura | Marion Poidmore | Kathleen Tombo |
Mary Edith Christopher | Richard Johnson | Marilyn Poidmore | Jim Tucciarone |
Edward Cisek | Gordon Keenan | Mike Policy | John Vogrin |
Dennis Clouse | Theresa Kirkner | Dominic Pregi | Gregory Vranches |
Mickey Conway | Kathleen Kish | Frank Prologo | Joe Vukovich |
Joseph Costello | David Kulik | Mary Ann Rees | Bob Williams |
Marilyn Cretella | Virginia Kutsko | Judy Rochford | Jack Wilster |
Kathleen Cronin | Richard LaCivita | Stephanie Rosselli | Margaret Wynne |
Patricia Cullen | John Lynch | Kathleen Ruble | Joe Yannerella |
Carol Curtis | Charles Machuga | Kathleen Rudy | Carol Zamary |
Edward Czopur | Patty Machuga | Barbara Sertick | Rosemary Zarlenga |
Robert Dota | Leonard Mady | Jim Scarnecchia | Renee Zavodni |
John D’Urso | Rosemary Maksimowski | Rosemary Schaffer | Mr. Giambattista |
Bob Edwards | Carol Marcovecchio | Anna Marie Schiavone | Mr. Ulicney |
A Special Note from Mr. Ulicney
January 16, 2017
Before 2016 is completely past our memory there is one very important, very enjoyable,and special thank you I need to make. To the Ursuline Class of 1966, than...k you for a most spectacular "50th" Reunion Weekend. I put this off as long as I could because there were so many who worked to make the reunion a success by working on committees, or by attending after traveling great distances, or by making great sacrifices of time and money. that I was afraid I might miss thanking someone and make them feel slighted. (Yes I know that was a "run-on" sentence.) It is, however important that I make a few acknowledgements . Nick Srnec, you did an outstanding job of setting the "Class of 66" web page(have I got that right, I'm not real good with the computer, and I can type only with my left hand...but I digress......), thanks Nick. George Guarnieri, at great personal sacrifice made "The Fifth Floor" available for the Fri. evening mixer (wow),and the Sun.morning brunch, thanks George. Mickey and Kathy Cronin Conway, for keeping me informed and making all of the arrangements, thank you. To John D'Urso and his lovely wife for driving me to the Friday mixer, and to Matt Giambattista for taking me home after the mixer(very, very late....sorry Matt), thank you. On June 28th, I turned 80, on July 11th, I had open heart surgery(everything went well), and your reunion in Aug. was the first time I could attend events outside of my home, so it was special. Thanks to all of you at the Saturday dinner.....I tried to talk with as many as possible sorry Joe( Gilberto)we didn't get to talk more....but I was getting very tired and my wife took me home. I couldn't make the Mass or brunch....I was exhausted....but very happy. Please understand that all of you that I taught or had contact with, ALL the years at Ursuline are special, but the "Class of 66" was unique. When you were Freshmen was my first year also. I had a Freshman homeroom and taught you in Gen. Sci. . When you were Sophomores I had a Sophomore homeroom, taught you in Bio., and was Sophomore Class Adviseor. When you were Juniors.Mr. Beck and I were co-chairmen for the prom. When you Seniors I had a Senior homeroom,and taught you in Sen Sci.. You went on to the university (Y.U....Y..S.U.), and I followed, with many associations there. We started together; we've grown up together; and we will grow old together......but at 80, I'm going to grow older much faster. What great years they have been. It is the journey, not the final destination that is "golden" and most remembered. Thank all of you for a great trip, a great journey and a great life.I will post this. Please forward to as many classmates as possible.Nick if you could "magically" get this on the U.H.S.Class of 66 web page I would appreciate the help. No, I don't have a copy, sorry Nick. Thanks again to all. Mr.U.(John).